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The future of James lighting is limitless and the successof James Lighting would not happen without our partners. James Lighting is veryglad to have found friend who share the same version all over Earth. All theway across the Paific Ocean. We are very glad to introduce our exclusivedistributors from French, and Japan.

If you are interested in knowing more about the benfits of what our partner isenjoy please visit our ExclusiveDistributor Information page. 

Key Requirement for application of Executive Distributor.

Must promote James Brand, and not promoting similar products.

Execute agreed James Lighting General policy

At least 2 purchase made, one of them meeting MOQ level

Total purchase of USD$10,000 from James Lighting in the past

Good credit rating (including good payment history of previous purchases)

Agree to any credit check procedures we may take

We would also like to learn more about you and your future plans. Below is some suggestions for what we believe will be able to show clearer of our future co-operations.Submit business plan with following detail:

Company background

Representing region

Marketing plan